
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

10 its reign over man baung generater unconquerable closin and malice in luim 4 Desire allows this world tone gulp and anders with mouth och to devour another walice is indeed noble ands cry deresfect as it son bear to lose suena serei (to remon) in anothers hand 5 Worldly life is sport of these two it is these two tlat sostegate all the actrities of liſt and theft burder, no? hatred meannees deception and cunn!ng roam alkaut in plenty 6 Thic equalets of sajas appears coloured prolainly on account of the cluster ol calours wildlı ut obtanied from cler quality of saltwatch it broke Wlzercice rajas the sted of all antics flouristtcs slısplay of colours is plentilul 7 Scientists state only the much that in the artist? langdom tle inale 13 endos al sutla gorgcous colours in order to obtain the love of the leninle, but strangely chovali in (fic 199.an xorld possess of reason tus phenomenon prevails I both the sex S A good fortion of energy, calth and time is wasteel in society over the promotion of shou if a battle part of 1199 be directed to the production of necessite: harpness is in to con 9 Educational homes, mutta ol ascelice temples and ther seats of Horslup 10 places were sallia lias been ordaincu lo prcvald Lut alas' 12j75 is rompent there also the 1riumphant power of Juich is so great IO Has tot tlıclame come to check it and establish thac noble quality of satwa shen permanent peace, sincerity, Ecod w]and contentment will prevail in the world seated firmly