
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

17 12. SATI, 1. Stories there are in the world of men, in the history of the Rajputs and elsewhere, in which, a young woman endo- med with many good qualities loved a young man of the enemy's family and got trouble ou account (of the conflict) of filial and conjugal love. 2. Forinerly, the lord of the three worlds, sitting under 1he banyan trec, taught the path to those desirosis of release lay treans of silence. He, then, married the daughter of Daksha and lived frappily for a long time. 3. A conspiracy was fiatched in the ethereal regions Against Siva; his superiority was questioned by the haughty 44% who, in their smatt-mindedness, were waiting for an opportunity to insult lim. Belore evil befalls, batred of the greal without reason Appears. 4. That Daksha headed the antagonists and spoke ill of the great God itu matly ways in the assetably of the gods to the very face of Nandin. The latter juntnediately pronounced a curse that the bead of any one performiog a sacrifice with- out offerings for Siva vould break and there would also foon arise trouble from asuras. 5. Interest in such kinds of sacrifice, lçgsched on decount of the fear of the curse; thereuport Daksua, the Worst egotist, moved himself in that direction. All image Dents were made comtrensurate with his position and the gods made their appearance in the (sacrificial) ball full of mirth. 1. The other of the universe, worshipped by all, bad no invitalido. Her Geart became sore at her father's conduct and slie said to hersett, "Tata blindness! Without joy