
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

20 range or unpleasant in the world. Thess released beings ecome the leaders of thought 14. THE HIND-WORLD, 1 Man' know yourself, if you liave a desire to make the Djourn in the world happy Make a search your heart of lie feelings that ate constantly på 19g there every day and ind out how many of them are endowed with the Sattwic znality of calmaress) To your great surprise you will soon see that all of them are otherwise 2 In the world of your mind, there well not only You dat sport there dreadful beasts like the dog, the tiger, the fox and the elephant also Usurting your gat alternately or collectively, they hold the sway laying kept you down 3 Did you not formerly live in the company of these wild animals to the jungle? Did you not with the force of your Superior intellect conher tners and bring them under your Control? Yest entertaining as it were that great insult in their Tulod, they (in tliest tuen) oyztraw your mind and dont care you who have now come to the town 4 You were certavaty able to subdue these wilt beasts with the power of your intelect so frog as they remained outside bat it is not so ceny to drive them out any with your ratellectual power in as much as they sabŁly roam about in your heart atselt What ought to be done is that the feeblo spark of moral instinct that is lurking idea 30 your beart should be roused with which these hosts of will tests should Le bunad dowa gradually with a will and force. Ő ITaving done this for a long liate, you will be able to drive away those beasts of bad qualities and enthrone in their