
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

22 I dnu t corde across a single person who proclams, If you dextre perfection give up all these paths tainted with Vanity Scarch for the instincts of goodness lying deep Cast off ego atorn by atau Live for others All are lond of poly One is interested in a tulament to moment moral life 16 THE EIGHT DIVINE FORMS 1 the first for thr mother of all things is the sky ylie hau of Kudra lu its womb float the globes of Brah:02 like fleets of suy the occan Denac Streacas of warcs nf light clectricity etc flors theit Even then of wiklom fal in their knowledge of ata of the human and 2 The sky is amprehendeil only as the mind oliercas. at its offspring is cognib:lilt by loucl all animate thologs mauvable or immovable depend upun it for their subsistence It always keeps the company of its offspring fire It supplies life to clous w the form of water It is the support of sounds For the shy goers it provides smooth motion 3 litre is the symptom of life the neatcliless friend of an purifier and splendour bodied IIc in bus tuen giles light to the world during the night as the sun dunng the day He is the first deity of the Aryas the carrier of offenngs to 1 octorc nerties full of flames He the bringer ni cixsation the terrait of Astras brought fortle by the Atharvans 4 (Vator acts as nectar giving life to the thirsty carth Scattered in its 1911 states it perades the entie Doerse It Ruitens the earih first iu the form of rain and thica in the se of 40% It enters every part of all kvog things mixed with food and leeds them