
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

27 the god of love failed to overpower and was hemeli bart down by the fure of the third eye 3 Sayıth close her husband hoog in to te of short life Illumined by the severe divine penance of clastity she served the clders and her lord She then accompanied ly to the forest on the fateful day and got back lıç dead busband through her spiritual eminence and also blessings from the god of Death 4 Markandeya was chosen by 1113 father for his superb virtues without consideration of the shortness of his life The boy, knowing that an interval fire was ceaselessly burn 326 13 the Learts of bus parents entered penance for the purpose of extending the limit of sixteen years placed upon lus age and obtained succour from He subduer of Kala wio was thus turned out The renown that prevails in the world for Bharat vas built op by the Rishis Their mainstay was the practice of the ordance Dharma than which nothing else is perinanent Dance 1t 15 Dot possible to state that this discipline of olelon days $ 10 ingie in full form nouadays Let all those desrous of bliss get xnance mandalas far as possible 21 SELF-RELIANCE 1 So long as mans affairs run smooth he moles about in the world thinking luis power to be ualimuted Blind with: pade, le embarks on vild enterprises and often meets reserse which rob off In courage ! I rom this moment certain foar enters 115 pund and doesat depart from Itun till the fall of lus body lie gets frightened e ca at the movement of a blade of grass tahing