
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

7 31 tud prolonged lalours of n30 were renderci sato nullitics Dos she realise the serioase of her prank? High class ploughed tands, protected like eyes, potdwg grains to people in great a hundance ce now glutted with water Luparallelzel slavabon (prevzus) in the land Rails were washed afi and foorl is brought through an.. 6 Howany to people that lay scattered hords and Jothfets? Whoever could give the momber of our children, dadin water, civities of earth and the Proes of yangle 10 jast tocaly brought about aiter long time has chapucarea! Even lethed people say abont tio desaster that Natura hac came abou: to teaclı man his smallness and put dam. lus great for de and that it was the result of the t]tz- tudes of human stes ordained by Providence STs is certainly cruel Men atta 10 tb world as tver. The thug to be wondered at is that he cndures with firtiness the repeated onslauclits in the world of earth, water and the otber (elements, and with enthusiasm, Nans to rebuild and produces progress greater than beiore 25 TARTU'S BLIRDEV 1. Earth in the forth of a cantsel, lucarnation of patienco amplured in 1Lc con paw of gods, Ward 1111, the consort ol goddess Lakshmi, the father protecting all the world, restong on the lord of scients in the ocean of mill capable o! estroying as, or the removal of ber burden The result was dreadful war Countless able watriots Llonging to the Kuras, Yasus add others we cut (1040 Tercezaly 10 the bottle-field. Flox could an .crcase of