
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

32 children pTosc au urbçarable border to a mother? Strange! low clies she desire euch their death? 3 Afoartains causing constant nussery with tllect freight Toks of deasc forests stadded with heavy trees tnyctads of Animals of lite eight dhe eleplaats and occans how are these Tipt secloned loads to the mother) Under 1liat la 25 maa negligible a number and Very light of body considered a bunden by Carth and his increase taken into account? This mult perlaps be the reason that he being tlie lord of crcation his qualities and actions repen greater attention 5 Stan is not heavy sa loog as bus mental processes are gond When he is tainted with arance and other yie, heaviness tahes possession of tum A wid.cl mind is more ponderous than a mountain Wien Lis Eron 11 number Larth desires a tecluiction l'or for long should Iarth, getting unable to bear the burden wish frequently with fear 3t4ned face for the mutual destruction of her children in x) Let me tale Fuole of the imponderable quality of Sattua composed of contentment There will be no botdea for Earth and all lzer children will attain lappiness PTINTED AT SRI RATTAKRISENNA PLESS MADORA-1000--4-GT