पृष्ठम्:पातञ्जल-योगदर्शनम् (तत्त्ववैशारदीसंवलित-व्यासभाष्यसमेतम्).djvu/६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

योगिवराणां दार्शनिक - मूर्धन्यानां म० म० गोपीनाथकविराजमहाभागानाम् आशीर्वाद: The new edition of the Patanjala Yogasutra with the commentary of Vyasa and the Tattvavaisaradi of Vacaspati Misra, under the editorial supervision of Pt. Ram Shankar Bhattacharya has been received by me. It has impressed me as an exquisite and brilliant attempt in view of the fact that it has aimed at ensuing the accuracy of the text and specially on account of the learned introduction prefixed to it consisting of 93 pages. The Introduction deals with numerous topics relevant to the subject, a knowledge of which is deemed essential for a proper understan- ding, not only of the present text but also of the Yoga-Sastra as a whole. Though it may not be possible for every one to be in perfect accord with every thing that the writer has said, there is no doubt that the Introduction bears in it an unmistakable evidence of wide reading, sound scholarship, critical discernment and sometimes rare insight. I am confi- dent that it will remove to a great extent a longfelt want in connection with the study of Yoga. Varanasi, 26.5. 1963. } GOPINATH KAVIRAJ