पृष्ठम्:ब्रह्मसिद्धिः (मण्डनमिश्रः).djvu/४२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

consists in the falling off of the body or bodies caused by the fructified karna; and according to Vacaspatimisra's Blamati, as interpreted by Amalananda, Mandana, when he says that the shitapraja of the Gita is a highly advanced sadhaka, and not siddha, should be understood as criticising a Sankara's view that the description of sthitapraja in the Git should be taken to refer to a Juanta and to support the doctrine of Jivaluati. While Mapdana feels constrained to recognise the soundness of the doctrine of sandbmulti, he prefers to acceptuamuki in those cases in which the body persists even after realisation, owing to the persistence of a trace of aidya (goidyasatiskara). In Mandana's opinion, the doctrine of toannati can be harmonised with frutis and simurtis in a more satisfactory manner than the doctrine of sadyfructi; the Cridbya text "Tasya tavad ea ciram ^ should be taken to convey only the limit of hepata with reference to the delay (citratocwhich must necessarily be recognised in the case of Jican 4tas; the Gita texts describing a stataraja may be taken to refer to a ) Jioannukta; the trace of autdya (auidyasaskara) that survives in the case of a Joannukta becomes exceedingly attenuated and is entirely powerless e to cause any physical experience (bhaga) of a binding character, though it contributes to the semblance of boga; a Jrvanmukta's body and physical environment have really sloughed of et through his realisation, though they have not yet completely perished and they bear the same relation to him as a east-of slough to the snake to which it once belonged; and a Juantua comes by aimalaya on the destruction of is present body, in which he achieved Brahman-realisation. While, thus, main: taining the latter of the two views regarding mykti and accepting Joannueti, Mandana sets his face wholly against Sankara's view

that the force of prarabdha cannot be impeded and must be allowed

* Kalpataru, N.S.P., pp. 958 and 99.

भाष्ये स्थितप्रज्ञलक्षणनिर्देशो जीवन्मुक्तिसाधक उक्तः; तत्र स्थितप्रज्ञः साधको न सांक्षात्कारवानिति मण्डनमिश्नरुक्तं दूषणमुद्धरति स्थितप्रज्ञश्रेति ।

  • (d) Bra. Sid., Part I, p. 3, line 6 to p. 3, line

• Bn. Sid., Part I, P. 13, line 2 to p. 439, ine 1,

  • Basid., Part I, p. 3, lines r to 3

• Brn, Sld. Part I, p. 32; lines 9 to 14,

येन हि कर्मणा यच्छरीरमारब्धं, तत्रैव तद्विपाकचेषाभांसः । xxx तस्मादनारब्धकार्याणामलङ्कधवृत्तित्वादारब्धकार्यसैकारक्षयस्य । वेहपातादवगमद्विदुषः पतितेऽस्मिन् शरीरे कैवल्यमवयंशावि ।