पृष्ठम्:ब्रह्मसिद्धिः (मण्डनमिश्रः).djvu/५३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

contrary, Pratyaksvarupa, in his commentary on Citsukha's Tattoupradipid carefully differentiates Mandanamisra from suresvaracarya. Anandanubhava, a great sainyasin of the advaita school, who is presupposed by Citsukha in his Tattua pradipika and who is the author of an advaita treatise called Mayaranadipavali, 19 distinguishes Mandana and Suresvara in unmistakable terms 18 in that section of the Nyayaratadtpavali in which the saibhyasa of the Tridandi type advocated by Bhaskara and his followers is assigned to an inferior place and sainyasa in the strict sense of the term is maintained to be of the Ekadapt type, involving the total renunciation of all the vedic rites and of the two external symbols of Vedic rites—the sacred thread (Yajbpacita) and the tuft of hair on the crown (SYAhd). In this section of the Nyayaratnadipawali, Anandanubhava refers to visvarupa, Prabhakaraguru, Mandana, Vacaspati and Sucaritamibra as reputed and reliable exponents of vedic religion and as having signified their approval of the saidyasa of the Bhadaudi type. It is also stated in the same section of the same work that Visvarupa and Prabhakara themselves became Badang-sainyasisthat visvarupa expressed himself in favour of Ekadandi-saiyasa, in the smrti work 150 which he wrote when he was a grhastha and not subsequent to his becoming a Sainyasin, and that Visvarupa came to be known as Suresvara in his Sainyaasrana. It may also be clearly made out from this work that Mandana did not himself become a Sanyasin, though he was prepared to recognise Sastraic sanction "s" in favour of Badard-sainyas, while Bhatta-visvarupa

himself became a sainyasis of the Bhadand type. A reference

4 see Nayanaprasidini on T.P., p. 333, lines 5 and 6 and p. 34०, ine 8.

see T.P., P. 6; lines 3 and 4 and Nayanaprasउँdini thereon.

Nyबैं. RaDi. manuscript, R. No. 5505Tr. Cht. Govt. orl. Ma, Lib., Madram.

IS Nya. R. Di. Ms, p. 15१lines 6 to 8.

किंच प्रसिद्धप्रभावैर्विश्वरूपप्रमाकरमण्डनवाचस्पतिसुचरितमित्रैः शि ठाग्रणीभिः परिगृहीतस्य कथं वेषमोहाभ्यां विनापला.संभवः ।

Nys. Ra, Dr. Ma, p. 153, lines f9-2c ,

ननु विश्वरूपप्रभाकरौ भवस्पक्षपनितौ; तावप्येकदण्डिनौ ।

189 Ny. R. D. Ms, P. 54 , lines 2 to 6 .

गृहस्थावस्थायां विरचिते च विश्वरूपग्रन्थे दर्शितवाक्यपरिग्रहे दृश्यत । न चासौ प्रन्थः संन्यासिना विरचितः; तथाहि परिव्राजकाचार्य पुरेश्वरविरचितेति ग्रन्थे नाम लिरवेत् ; लिवितं तु भइक्षिधरूप विरचितेति । See footnote 65, pra.