पृष्ठम्:ब्रह्मसिद्धिः (मण्डनमिश्रः).djvu/६२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Mandana agrees with Sarikara; Vacaspatimisra, in particular, among the earlier commentators on Sarikara's Brahimashtrabhaya reads Mandana's views "4'into Sankara's text wherever he finds it possible to do so and refers to those views as the prodpako" sought to be refuted, in several instances where Samkara's qbservations are irreconcilably opposed to them and several post-Shakara advaitins, like Anandabodha, Cituskha, Madhu- sudanasarasvati and Brahmananda, have given, in their worksan honoured place to Mandana as a great authority on Advaita. Mandana wrote three works on Mimamsa-the Mindsayera maid", the Bhahuahuitags and the Vidligiod, one work on the philosophy of language—the Sphdjasiddhivone work on Epistemology-the Vibrandioiced and one work on Advaita the Bradmaasiddh. In the MinhisauranasikaMandana epitomises, in brief aid terse anustubh versesthe siddhantas of each of the adhikaranas of Jaimini's sutras, according to Sabara vamin's bhasya. The Bhavanduuka is an exposition of the nature of the activatory force, called arthabharatain accordance with Kumarilabhatta's artika and differentiates it, as the signifi cation of the non-modal generic phase of verbal endings, called dhyata, from the meaning of the roots, after controverting the Vaiyakarapa view which includes dhood in the meaning of the roots. In the Vidariuka, which is the biggest of the Mrmahsa treatises written by Mandana, he makes his special contribution to the Mrmisa theory of interpretation of mandatory prcpositions (oidsand maintains, after an elaborate course of reasoning, that the motivatory force, called prabartaka, which is conveyed by mandatory suffixes, reduces itself to the form of *contributoriness toa desired end” (tistasadhanatud), the main thesis of the work being embodied in the oft-quoted verse;

"Paisa nlablyuplyctobt riyzspaya. pravartaland
Pravrttihttai dharmai can pravadatti pravartada"

The special value of Mandana's theory of widyartha consists in this—thatwhile it with sweet reasonableness, the , utilises a

most acceptable part of the old Nyaya theory of widyartha, it

14 Bb£mat N.S.P., p. 1, lines 2 and 3.

See footnote 19; and see Bhimati N.S.P., p. 959 ines and 3

see footnotes 9, 96, 104, o6, 107, 100, 177, 78, 179-18o.

Edited by DrGanganath Jha in the Ch. S.S. Genre

The Princess otWales; Saa Bhavana tets-Benea No. 6

The Pandit Benares.

Mad Uniosity SnslitSeriesNo6.

Made Odeotal Secies No. Y, M.E.J . PrecisMylapate.

The present edition of the Bahmiddhi.

Vidhive; the Pandit edition, D. a