
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

मन्युमन्ये ममाऽस्तम्भो विषावोऽस्तभदुद्यतम् ।
अजारीदिव च प्रज्ञा बलं शोकात्तथाऽजरत् ॥ ३० ॥

गृध्रस्येहाऽवतां पक्षौ कृत्तौ वीक्षस्व लक्षपण ।
जिघत्सोर्द्धनमापावि ध्वंसोऽयं तां निशाचरात्" ॥ ३१ ॥

क्रुद्धोऽवीपि रघुव्याघ्रो रक्तनेत्रोऽजनि क्षणात् ।
अबोधि दुःस्थं त्रैलोक्यं दीप्तं रापूरि भानुवत् ॥ ३२ ॥

अताय्यस्योत्तमं सत्त्वमप्यायि कृतकृत्यवत् ।
उपाचायिष्ट सामथ्यं तस्य संरम्भिणो महत ॥ ३३ ॥

अबोहीव विषादोऽस्य समरुद्भव विकमः।
समभावि च कोपेन न्यश्वसीच्चायतं मुहुः ॥ ३४ ॥

 30. I think my grief has become stiff; (my) distress has arrested my (assiduous) effort ; my intellect has as it were , decayed; similarly, my strength has waned due to grief.

 31. Oh Laksmana, behold, here lie scattered the two shorn off wings of a vulture. Sure, it has attained this destruction from the demon desirous of killing her."

 32. Enraged, the mighty Raghu blazed; within a moment he became (possessed) of red eyes. (Herealised that the three worlds were in danger and got filled with brilliance like the sun.

 33. His excellent spirit (prowessexpanded ceaselessly like one who had accomplished his task. The great might of (Rama), who was in high rage, waxed.

 34. His distress, squeezeditself out, as it were; his valour, belted itself, as it were ; birth was taken by rage and he sighed deeply, time and again.