
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

निघाऽनिघतरुचढने तस्मिस्ते लबिभ्रमैः फलैः ।
तृप्तास्तां भ्राजथुमतीं पप्रच्छुः ‘कस्य पूज़ियम् ’ ॥ ६५ ॥

रक्षणं करोषि कस्मात् त्वं यत्नेनाऽऽख्यायतां शुभे !।
स्वप्ने निधिवदाभाति तव सन्दर्शनं हि नः " ॥ ६६ ॥

ततो जलधिगम्भीरान वानरान् प्रत्युवाच सा ।
इयं बानवराजस्य पूः सृष्टिवश्वकर्मणः ॥ ६७ ॥

निहतश्च स्थित भिन्दन् दानवोऽसौ बलद्विषा ।
दुहिता मेरुसावर्णरहं नाम्ना स्वयंप्रभा ॥ ६८ ॥

जूतिमिच्छथ चेत् तूणं कीति वा पातुमात्मनः ।
करोमि वो बहिरंतीन् पिधध्वं पाणिभिर्देशः ” ॥ ६९ ॥

व्रज्यावतो निरुद्धाक्षान् विीवाऽनुष्ठितक्रियान् ।
निरचि क्रमविच्छातो । वानरांश्चङ्क्रमावतः ॥ ७० ॥

 65. Satiated with the fruits available in that (region) covered all over with tall and broad as well as short and thin trees, they asked that resplendent one, "Whose city is this ?

 66. ‘May we be told, why you protect (it) with efforts, Oh meritorious one : indeed, your sight appears to us like a treasure in a dream.

 67. Then she replied to the monkeys who were extensive (in number) as the ocean, "This city is the creation of Visvakarma, the king of demons.

 68. And, that demon was killed by Indra, (the enemy of Bala), breaking the settled rule (of duel). I am the daughter of Merusavarni, Svyamprabha by name.

 69. If you wish for a quick departure (from here) or desire to protect your reputation, I shall have you taken out ; cover your eyes with (your) palms."

 70. Just as the (Vedic) lore delivers those that have performed religious deeds, at their wish, she took out the monkeys that had covered their eyes and were walking zigag.