
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

जटायुः पुण्यकृत् पक्षी दण्डकारणप्रसञ्चरः ।
कृत्वा राघवयं यः स्वारूढोऽग्निसंस्कृतः ॥ ८१ ॥

नरकस्याऽवतरोऽयं प्रत्यक्षोऽस्माकमागतः।
अचेष्टा यबिहऽन्यायादनेनाऽत्स्यामहे वयम् ॥ ८२ ॥

हृदयोदङ्कसंस्थान कृतास्तनयसन्निभम् ।
शरीराखनतुण्डागं प्राप्याऽमुं शर्म दुर्लभम् ॥ ८३ ॥

ईषदाढ्यङ्करोऽप्येव न दे परत्राऽशुभक्रियः ।
अस्मानमितोऽभ्येति परिवलनो बुभुक्षया ॥ ८४ ॥

सम्प्राप्य वानरान् पक्षी जगाद मधुरं वचः।
के यूयं दुरुपस्थाने मनसाऽऽप्यद्रिमूर्धनि ॥ ८५ ॥

( इति कृदधिकारः )

 81. Meritorious is the bird Jatayu roaming about in the Dandaka woods who, having accomplished the task of Raghava, ascended the heavens, (being) consecrated in the funeral fire !

 82. This visible incarnation of he has approached us ; for We, incapable of activity, shall be eaten by him without any justification.

 83. Security difficult to have after getting (into is (the hands of) (this bird) resembling a wrench for (extracting out the heart), and similar to the noose (or net) of the God of Death, and which has the tip of its beak capable of tearing the body apart.

 84. Famished by hunger, this bird whose deeds are inauspicious, and who is not the bestower of the slightest good (even) in the other world, comes from this (place) to eat us.

 85. Having reached the monkeys, the bird spoke sweet words: Who are you on this mountain summit difficult to be reached even by the mind (mentally) ?

( Here ends the Krt Section )