
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

संजानानान परिहरन् रावणानुचरान् बहून् ।
लङ्कां समाविशद् रात्रौ वदमानोऽरिदुर्गमाम् ॥ २७ ॥

कंचिन्नोपावदिष्टाऽसौ केनचिद व्यवदिष्ट न।
शृण्वन् संप्रवदमानाद् रावणस्य गुणान् जनात् ॥ २८ ॥

घोषस्यान्ववविष्टेव लङ् पूतक्रतोः। पुरः ॥ २९ ॥

ऐव् विप्रववमानंस्तां । संयुक्त ब्रह्मराक्षसः ।
तथाऽवगिरमाणंश्च पिशाचैर्मासशोणितम् ॥ ३० ॥

यथास्वं संगिरन्ते स्म गोष्ठीषु स्वामिनो गुणान् ।
पानशौण्डाः पथः क्षीब वृग्वंरुवचरन्त च ॥ ३१ ॥

यानं: समचरताऽन्ये कुञ्जराश्वरथादिभिः ।
संप्रायच्छन्त बन्वीभिरन्ये पुष्पफलं शुभम् ॥ ३२ ॥

 27. Avoiding the numerous attendants who were watching, he, an expert in talking, entered Lanka at night.

 28. Listening to the people who were proclaiming, all at once, the virtues of Ravana, he neither conversed with anyone nor was he addressed by anyone.

 29. By means of conversations challenges, songs, dances, laughter and braggings, Lanka echoed, as it were, the capital city of Indra.

 30. He went to that city possessed of ghosts of brahmins Wrangling diversely with contrary (philosophical) views, as also by goblins (voraciously) gulping flesh and blood.

 31. They pronounced in assemblies the qualities of the master, as though (they were) their own and, addicted to drinking and being intoxicated, they crossed the roads and moved away.

 32. Others moved about by means of conveyances like