
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

कुतोऽधियास्यसि कूर ! निहतस्तेन पत्रिभिः।
न सूक्तं भवताऽऽयुग्रमतिरामं मदोद्धत ! ॥ ९० ॥

परिशेषं न नामाऽपि स्थापयिष्यति ते विभुः।
अपि स्थाणु जयेद् रामो भवतो ग्रहणं कियत् ॥ ९१ ॥

अपि स्तुह्यपिसेधाऽस्मांस्तथ्यमुक्तं नराशन ! ।
अपि सिञ्चेः कृशानौ त्वं वषं मय्यपि योऽभिकः ॥ ९२ ॥

अधि रामे पराक्रान्तमधिकर्ता स ते क्षयम् ” ।
इत्युक्स्वा मैथिली तूष्णीमासाञ्चक्रे वशाननम् ॥ । ९३ ॥

( अथ विभक्त्यधिकरः )

ततः खड्गं समुद्यम्य रावणः क्रूरविग्रहः ।
वैदेहीमन्तरा क्रुद्धः क्षणमूचे विनिश्वसन् ॥ ९४ ॥

 90. “Struck by him with arrows, where would you fee, Oh cruel one ? Oh one puffed up with pride, the very hot (words) scorning Rama were not spoken well by you.

 91. The omnipotent Rama will not let even your name remain as a remnant. Rama can vanquish even Siva; how (insignificant) then is your seizure (by him)

 92. Oh cannibal, you may as well praise or censure us ; the truth has been stated (by me. Lustful towards me, be you damned, to shed your heat (semen) in fire.

 93. ‘‘valour (abides) in Rama as its lord; he is sure to bring about your destruction. Having spoken thus to Ravana, Sita sat silent.

( Now, Case terminations, Vibhakti )

 94. Thereupon, having flourished his sword between Sita (and himself), the enraged Ravana spoke after having heaved sighs for a moment.