
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

चकाराऽधस्पदं नाऽसौ वरन बियति मारुतिः।
समविद्भिस्तमकाण्डंविध्यमानोऽप्यनेकधा ॥ ६६ ॥

( अथ ‘षत्वाधिकारः )

पुरुहूतद्विषो धूर्ध यक्तन यानस्य वाजिनः।
आयूषि त्वक्षु निभिद्य प्राभञ्जनिरमोचयत् ॥ ६७ ॥

सुषुपुस्ते यदा भूमौ रावणिः सरथ तवा ।
आहर्तुमन्यानशिषत् प्रोषितनासकर्कशः ॥ ६८ ॥

प्रतुष्टुप् आतस्थौ पुनर्युद्धमसिषञ्जयिषुर्भयम् ।
रथमास्मीयानुसिसाहयिषन्निव ॥ ६९ ॥

बलान्यभिषिषिक्षन्तं तरुभि: कपिवारिदम् ।
विजिगीषुः पुनश्चक्रे व्यूहं दुर्जयमिन्द्रजित् ॥ ७० ॥

 66. Though being struck many times with arrows that resembled darkness and pierced the vitals, Maruti who was moving about in the sky, never set his foot down (on the ground).

( Now the 's' changes )

 67. Having pierced through (their ) skin, the Son of the Wind Maruti), made the horses yoked to the poles of the enemy of Indra lay down their life.

 68. While they lay (dead) on the ground, Ravana's desperate son, whose fear had vanished, ordered the charioteer to fetch others (i.e., other horses).

 69. Desirous of starting the battle again, intent on aggravating fear (in Hanuman) and, as if about to encourage his own (soldiers), he ascended his own chariot.

 70. Desirous of vanquishing the cloud in the form of the monkey, wanting to shower the armies with treesIndrajit again arranged the Darjaya (Invincible) array.