
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

विस्फुलद्धिर्णहीतोऽसौ निष्टफुल: पुरुषाशनैः।
विकम्भितुं समर्थोऽपि नाऽचलद् ब्रह्मगौरवत् ॥ ७६ ॥

‘‘कृषीबं भर्तुर(नन्वं मा न प्रोढ्वं व्रतं वियत् ।
वानरं नेतुमित्युच्चैरिन्द्रजित् प्राववत् स्वकान् ॥ ७७ ॥

"गतमङ्गुलिषङ्ग त्वां भीरुष्ठानादिहाऽऽगतम् ।
खादिष्याम " इति प्रोचुर्नयन्तो मारुत द्विषः ॥ ७८ ॥

‘‘अग्निष्टोमादिसंस्थेषु ज्योतिष्टोमाविषु द्विजान् ।
योऽरक्षीत् तस्य दूतोऽयं मानुषस्येति चाऽवदन् ॥ ७९ ॥

"नासां मातृष्वसेयश्च रावणस्य लुलाव यः।
मातुः स्वसुश्च तनयान् खरादीन् निजघान यः ॥ ८० ॥

 76. Bound down by the enthusiastically roaming ( tumultous ) man-eaters, he (Hanuman ) did not move , through reverence for the Creator (Brahma), though capable of shaking it off.

 77. ‘‘Produce joy in our lord ; do not desist from jumping (even) into the sky for carrying the monkey speedily." Thus spoke Indrajit loudly to his own (soldiers).

 78. We shall eat you who have come here from the place of the cowards and have come into contact with our fingers (i. e., into our grip). Thus spoke the enemies carrying Maruti.

 79. And they remarked, “He is the messenger of that human male who protected the brahmins in sacrifices like Jyotistoma modelled on Agnistoma ;

 80. " -and who cut off the nose of Ravana's maternal aunt's daughter ( Surpapakha ) and who killed the sons of his maternal aunt, Khara and others.