
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अथ दशमः सर्गः

( प्रसन्नकाण्डः। तन्न शब्दालङ्काराः )

अथ स वकटुकू लकुथादिभिः परिगतो ज्वलबुढतवालधिः ।
उवपतद् दिवमाकुललोचनेनुरिपुमिः सभयैरभिवीक्षितः ॥ १ ॥

रणपण्डितोऽप्रघविबुधरिपुरे कलहं स राममहितः कृतवान् ।
ज्वलदग्नि रावणगृहं च बलात् कलहंसराममहितः कृतवान् ॥ २ ॥

निखिलाऽऽभवन् न स-हस सहसा ज्वलनेन सः प्रभवता भवता ।
वनिताजनेन वियता वियता त्रिपुरापदं नगमित गमिता ॥ ३ ॥


( The Prasanna-kanda . Verbal figures of speech )

 1. Now, wrapped up with bark garments, silken cloth, mattings and other things and watched by the frightened enemies of human beings whose eyes were agitated, he who had raised aloft his burning tail, jumped up in the sky.

 2. The enemy (Hanuman), expert in battle, commended by Rama, desirous of achievement, forcibly introduced a strife in the capital of the foremost enemy of gods (Ravana) and had the house of Ravana, delightful to swans, set on fire.

 3. Situated on a mountain and reduced to the plight of the Tripuras’ (the group of three demoniac cities) by the raging fire that broke out all of a sudden, with the women-folk running helter-skelter through the sky, the city was no more full of laughter.