
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अथ लुलितपत व्रिमलं रुग्णासनबाणकेशरत मालम् ।
स वनं विविक्तमलं सीतां द्रष्टुं जगामाऽलम् ॥ १४ ॥

धनगिरीन्द्रविल डुनशालिना बनगत वनजयुतिलोचना ।
जनमता बड़े शे जनकात्मजा तरु मृगेण तहस्थलशायिनी ॥ १५ ॥

 कान्ता सहमाना दुःखं च्युतभूषा ।
 रामस्य वियुक्ता कान्ता सह-मना ॥ १६ ॥

 मितमघवदुदारं तां हनूमान् मुदाऽऽरं
 ‘‘रघुवृषभसकाशं यामि देवि ! प्रकाशम् ।

 तब बिबितविषादो दृष्टकृत्स्नामिषादः ।
 श्रियमनिशमवन्तं पर्वतं माल्यवन्तम ” ॥ १७ ॥

उदपतद् वियदप्रगमः परं रचितमुन्नतिमत् पृथुसत्त्ववत् ।
चितमु नतिमत् पृथुसत्त्ववत् प्रतिविधाय ववुभंयवं द्विषाम् ॥ १८ ॥

 14. Thereafter, (yet) strong enough to see Sita, he went to the orchard where from the rows of birds had fled, the asana, bana, kepara and tamala trees were pounded down and the grounds were deserted.

 15 . By the monkey who was lustrous enough to cross lofty mountains, was seen, settled in the orchard, (Sita) the daughter of Janaka, whose eyes had the beauty of lotuses, who was respected by the people, and (who was) lying down on the ground underneath a tree ;

 16.-(who was) the separated beloved (wife) of Rama, suffering grief and devoid of ornaments.

 17. To her, Hanuman spoke with joy, measured but very significant (words) : ‘‘Queen, quickly and openly shall I go near the mighty Raghu (Rama), towards the Malyavat mountain that maintains splendour day and night, (I) by whom your grief is known and all the demons are seen."

 18 . Invincible by the enemies, Hanuman leapt into the radiant sky possessing great height and filled with huge animals, after having rendered his body delightful, bent in salutation, full of prowess and frightening to the enemies,