
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

मानेन तल्पेष्वयथामुखना मिथ्यप्रसुप्तेर्गमित क्रियामाः।
स्त्री भिनशातिक्रमविह्वलाभिधृष्टेऽपि दोषे पतयोऽनुनीता: ॥ ४ ॥

ईष्र्याविरुग्णाः स्थिरबद्धमूला निरस्त निःशेषशुभप्रताना ।
आप्यायित नेत्रजलप्रसेकैः प्रेमद्रुमाः संरुरुहुः प्रियाणाम् ॥ ५ ॥

ततः = समाशङ्गितविप्रयोगः पुनर्नवीभूत रसोऽवितृऋणः ।
स्मरस्य सन्तं पुनरुक्तभवं नाऽऽवर्तमानस्य विवेव लोकः ॥ ६ ॥

वृत्तौ प्रकाश हृदये कृताय सुखेन सर्वेन्द्रियसंभवेन ।
संकोचमेवाऽसहमानमस्थावशक्तवद् वञ्चितमानि चक्षुः ॥ ७ ॥

पीने भटस्योरसि वीक्ष्य भुग्नस्तनुस्वचः पाणि रुहान् सुमध्या ।
इच्छाविभङ्गाकुलमानसत्वाद् भद्रे नखेभ्यश्च चिरं जुजूरे ॥ ८ ॥

 4. The husbands who, through pride, had turned away their faces in the beds and had passed three parts (of the night) in feigned sleep, were entreated by the wives that were distressed at the dwindling of the night, even though (their) faults had been noticed.

 5. Hurt through jealousy, the lovers' trees in the form of love, whose roots were firmly fixed, but whose auspicious tendrils were cut off without remnant, grew up (when) nourished by the sprinkings of water from the eyes.

 6. Thereafter the unsatiated people who feared separation, and whose addiction (interest) was revived again, did not notice the (oft) occurring recurrence of Cupid who was wandering around.

 7. The ecstacy arising in all the senses having taken its seat in the heart the intolerant eye, regarding itself as deceived, resorted to more contraction, like a weak person.

 8. On seeing her nails that (usually) injured the body reversed on the stout chest of the warrior, the shapely-waisted lady got wild for long (both) with her husband and her nails, her mind being agitated by the defeat of her intention.