
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

तालेन - सहपादितसाम्यशोभ च शभवधन स्वरबद्धरागम् ।
पवैर्गतार्थं नृपमन्दिरेषु प्रातर्जगुर्मङ्गलवत् तरुण्यः ॥ १९ ॥

दुरुत्तरे प इवाऽन्धकारे मग्नं जगत् सन्ततरश्मि रज्जुः ।
प्रनष्टसूतप्रविभागमुद्यम् प्रत्युज्जहारेव ततो विवस्वान् ॥ २० ॥

पीतौष्ठरागणि हृताञ्जनानि भास्वन्ति लोलैरलकैर्मुखानि ।
प्रातः कृतार्थानि यथा विरेजुस्तथा न पूर्वेद्युरलङ्कृतनि ॥ २१ ॥

प्रजग राताम्रविलोचनान्ता निरञ्जनालक्तकपत्रलेखाः ।
तुल्या इवाऽऽसन् परिखेवतन्व्यो बासच्युतः सेवितमन्मथाभिः ॥ २२ ॥

a certain (lover) returned under (some) pretext after having gone and abandoned all other work, and just stayed on.

 19. At daybreak, in the royal palaces, young ladies sang an (auspicious) song in which the charm of uniformity was achieved with beats (keeping time), the concentration was excellent, the rage produced by (appropriate) notes and the sense was conveyed by words.

 20. The rising sun which had spread the ropes of rays, pulled out the world that had sunk down into the mud-like darkness that was hard to emerge out from and had lost the distinctness of (its) forms.

 21. The shining faces wherefrom the paint on the lips had been licked off and the collyrium (from the eyes) had come off (but only after they) had fulfilled their purpose, looked so brilliant in the early morning, (as though) they had never been embellished so the previous day.

 22. The women that were deprived of the company (of their husbands), the corners of whose eyes were reddish through wakefulness and who did not have (any more) collyrium and lac-painting of leaves and who were ematiated by excessive worry (fatigue), were comparable to those who had enjoyed love.