
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

X | BHATTIKAVYA लतानुपातं कुसुमान्यगृण्हात् से नद्यवस्कन्दमुपास्पृशच्च । कुतूहलाच्चारुशिलोपवेशं काकुत्स्थ ईषत्स्मयमान आस्त । (II. 11) is an admirable example of a chain of idioms used with an eye for appropriate expression to bring out the childlike innocence of Rama . Bhatti’s use of descriptive epithets is a direct outcome of his purpose, viz., illustrating Panini's sutrasHe selects epithets for illustrating a stra and applies them to the appropriate character. We come across this peculiarity in almost the whole of the Adhikara-kanda (cantos VI-IX). E.g.: आदृत्यस्तेन वृत्येन स्तुत्यो जुष्येण संगतः । इत्यः शिष्येण गुरुवद् गृध्यमर्थमवाप्स्यसि ।। (VI. 56) Often a suffix is found delightfully repeated in such epithets. E.g.: निराकरिष्णू वतिष्ण वधिष्णू परितो रणम् । उत्पतिष्णू सहिष्णू च चेरतुः खरदूषणौ ।। (V. 1) Suffixes are also used in series : E.g., the superlative° $the in II. 45 ; tri in IV. 37 ; thu in IV. 43 and isnue in VII. 4. Bhatti also strings striking chains of different roots in the same tense or mood suffix. E .g. भ्रमुववल्गुर्ननृतुर्जजक्षुर्जगुः समुपुप्लुविरे निषेदुः । आस्फोटयचकृरभिप्रणेदू रेजुर्ननन्दुविययुः समीयुः । (Xu. 28) is a fine example of such an akhyalamala. It illustrates allite ration too. Another instance is XIII. 27. Sometimes Bhatti prefers the etymological sense of an expression to its traditional denotation. E.g., bahukara (enhancer), karu (doer), dhavitra (remover), dandasaka (demon, instead of serpent). Such acrobatics render his style rather obscure. But he does not mind it, for his work was intended to serve as a festivity to the scholars and intellectuals only Bhatti's dialogues are particularly brief and appealing. He has made a skilful use of all devices like irony, satire, sarcasm, pun and wit for bringing home the speaker's intention