
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अथ त्रयोदशः सर्गः

चारुसमीरणरमणे हरिणकलङ्क-किरणावली-सविलासा ।
आबद्धराममोहा वेलामूले विभावरी परिहीणा ॥ १ ॥

बद्धो वासरसङ्ग भीमो रामेण लवणसलिलावासे ।
सहसा संरम्भरसो दूरारूढरविमण्डलसमो लोले ॥ २ ॥

गाढगुरुपुङ्गपीडा-सधूम सलिलारिसम्भव-महाबाणे
प्रारूढा सन्देहं रामे समहीधरा मही सफणिसभा ॥ ३ ॥

घोरजलवन्तिसंकुल-पट्टसहपङ्काहल-जल वासम्
आरीणं लवणजलं समिद्ध फलबाणविढ-घोरफणिवरम् ॥ ४ ॥


 1. The night that was full of grace on account of rows of moonrays and brought unconsciousness to Rama, ended on the edge of the seashore which was delightful with pleasurable breezes.

 2. At the touch (dawn) of the day, a terrific emotion of wrath, resembling the orb of the sun risen far up, was suddenly fixed by Rama on the ever-moving reservoir of saline waters.

 3. Towards Rama who held a huge arrow, in which was produced fire with smoke by the pressing of its firm and heavy tip, the earth, along with the mountains and the assembly of serpents, entertained suspicion.

 4. The saline water which swarmed with dreadful water elephants, wherein the marine animals were distressed on account of the tremendous mud that was dried up, and terrific mighty serpents were injured by the arrow with a filaming edge, was dried up all around .