
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

सभयं परिहरमाणो महाहिसञ्चादभासुरं सलिलगणम् ।
आरूढो लवणजलो जलतीरं हरिबलागमविलोलगुहम् ॥ ५ ॥

चञ्चलतरुहरिणगणं वा बहुकुसुम ।बन्धबद्धरामवासम् ।
हरिपल्लवतरजालं तुङ्गोरुसमिद्धतरुवरहिमच्छायम् ॥ ६ ॥

वरवारणं सलिलभरेण गिरिमहीमण्डल-संवरवारणम् ।
वसु-धारयं तुङ्गतरङ्गसङ्ग-परिहीणलोलचसुधा-रयम् ॥ ७ ॥

प्रणिपत्य ततो वचनं जगाद हितमायतौ पतिर्वारीणाम् ।
गङ्गावलम्बिबाहू रामं व बहलोरुहरितमलच्छायम् ॥ ८ ॥

‘तुङ्गा गिरिवरदेह, अगमं सलिलं, समीरणो रसहारी ।
अहिमो रविकिरणगणो, माया संसारकारणं ते परमा ॥ ९ ॥

 5. Fearfully avoiding the concourse of water radiant with the movements of huge serpents, the ocean ascended the water-shore whose recesses were astir on account of the advent of the monkey troops;

 6. -on which hosts of monkeys were bustling about, wherein Rama's residence was arranged under intertwined trees with plentiful flowers, which had a network of trees with green sprouts (and) which bore cool shadow on account of the tall, massive and radiant trees.

 7. - which had excellent elephants, which checked the sheet of mountains and the expanse of earth with the food of its waters, which bore riches and hindered the speed of the rotating earth by the onslaught of its lofty billows.

 8. Thereafter, the lord of waters , who rested his arms on the Ganges, spoke words beneficial for the future to Rama whose complexion was like that of a massive and wide hari tamala tree, after having bowed down to him :

 9. "The lofty forms of huge mountains, the impassable water, the wind that sucks up juice (moisture) and the hot host of sunrays-your highest Mayव is the cause of (all this) worldly existence .