
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

प्रतोवा जगलुसमानञ्चुयं ज्ञिया मृगः ।
बदाल भूः पुपूरे द्योः कपीनामपि नि:स्वनैः ॥ ९९ ॥

मिमेह रक्तं हस्त्यश्वं राक्षसाश्च नि तिष्ठिषुः ।
ततः शुशुभतुः सेने निर्दयं च प्रजहतुः ॥ १०० ॥

विद्विषुर् दुधुवुश् चच्छुश् चपलमुः सुषुपुर् हताः ।
चखाविरे चखादुश्च विलेपुश्च रणे भटाः ॥ १०१ ॥

प्रहस्तस्य पुरोऽमात्यान् जिहसुर् वधूषुस् तथा ।
वानराः कर्म सेनानी रक्षसां चक्षमे न सत ॥ १०२ ॥

ऊर्णनाव सशस्त्रौघेनराणामनीकिनीम् ।
शशास च बहून् योधान् जीवितेन विवेच च ॥ १०३ ॥

ग्राससञ्ज भयं तेषां विद्यते यथा रविः ।
नाऽऽययास द्विषद्देहैर्जगहे च विशो दश ॥ १०४ ॥

 99. Whips slipped down; sacrificial beasts passed by the left; the earth split up; the sky was filled with the shouts of the monkeys too.

 100. The troops of elephants and horses made water (urinated) and the demons spat out blood. Then both the armies flashed and struck mercilessly.

 101. In the battle, warriors hated, confronted, battered (mutually), fainted and lay down (as if) killed. They were up (again) and they ate and bewailed.

 102. In front of Prahasta the monkeys killed and also overpowered the ministers; the commander of the demons did not brook that action.

 103. He covered up the monkey army with streams of weapons and struck many warriors and deprived them of life;

 104 -(he) instilled fear into them and shone forth like the sun; (he) was not exhausted and penetrated the ten quarters with the enemies' bodies.