
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति




generally agrees with that in the Valmlki-Ramayana and as such, it is not necessary to outline each and every character, for all of them are well-known to the reader. II.


General technique Bhatti himself has never once mentioned that the purpose of his work was to illustrate the sutras of Panini and some figures of speech, metres and poetic qualities. But this selfevident purpose has been unanimously understood by the different commentators who declare the Bhattikavya to be a ‘Dvynsraya-kavya'. Bhatti has not, however, illustrated all the sutras of Panini, nor has he followed Paqini’s order in illustrating them. He has selected only a few adhiknras and introduced Prakirna verses at intervals for the sake of ease and lucidity. Usually he has given one example for each sutra, but has observed no rigidity in the matter. Obsolete or complex examples are consciously avoided. Nor is Bhatfi particular about illustrating each and every sutra. Bhatti has shown a keen awareness of poetic flaws in avoiding the burden of too many illustrations. He has never given a counter example. His composition is essentially poetic in nature ; he has never named or quoted a sutra even once or indulged in pedantic discussions or definitions. All these are provided by the commentators who knew that the knvya was vyakhydgamya. Even the division into the four Kandas is the doing of the commentators. Arrangement Grammatically the Bhatti-kavya is divided by the Bhasyaksras into four kandas : I. The Praklrna-kanda (I to V. 96) does not follow any regular pattern in illustrating the sutras. That is why it is called prakirna—scattered—i.e., dealing with miscellaneous rules. Such prakirna verses are introduced at intervals in the Adhikarakanda too. II. Adhikara-kanda (Cantos V. 97 to IX). Barring the prakirna verses, this kanda generally illustrates Panini’s sutras,