
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

सप्तषष्टि प्लवङ्गानां कोटीर्वाणैरसूषुपत् ।
निशान्ते रावणिः क्रुद्धो राघवौ च व्यमू मुहत् ॥ ९८ ॥

अपिस्फवत स्वसामथ्र्यमग्रहीत् सायकविशः।
अघोरीचव यहाघोरं गत्वा प्रेषाच्च रावणम् ॥ ९९ ॥

विभीषणस्ततोऽबोधि सस्फुरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ।
अपारीत् स गृहीतोल्को हतशेषान् प्लवङ्गमान् ॥ १०० ॥

मा शोचिष्ट रघुव्यानौ नाऽमृषातrमिति ब्रुवन् ।
प्रयबुद्ध स नीलादीन् निहतान् कपियूथपान् ॥ १०१ ॥

तत्रेषज्जाम्बवान् प्राणीदुवमीलीच्च लोचने ।
पौलस्त्यं चाऽगयीत ‘‘कच्चिदजीवीन्मारुतात्मजः ॥ १०२ ॥

तस्य क्षेमे महाज ! नाऽमृष्मऋखिला वयम् ।
पौलस्त्योऽशिभवत् तं च जीवतं पवनात्मजम् ॥ १०३ ॥

 98. By the end of night, the angry Indrajit put to (eternal) sleep seven thousand crores of monkeys and rendered the two Raghavas unconscious.

 99. Indrajit enhanced his own might, veiled the quarters with arrows, thundered very ferociously and having gone back, sent (out) Ravana (to see the devastation).

 100. Then Vibhisapa realised (that) Rama and Laksmana (showed) a throbbing ; he, who held a torch, delighted the remaining monkeys that had survived the dead (saying) :

 101 . “Do not grieve, the tiger-like Raghu Princes are not dead." He came to know that the monkey commanders Nila and others were slain.

 102. Among them Jambavan breathed slightly and opened his eyes, and spoke to Vibhisana (Paulastya), Has the Son of the Wind survived per chance ?

 103 . Oh great King, in (case of) his safety all of us may not die." And Vibhisana reported to him that the Son of the Wind was alive.