
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

शयिष्यन्ते मया चाऽद्य वीरंमन्या षिद्गणाः ।
हिष्यामि क्षितिं कुत्तंरच गात्रैर्वनौकसाम् ॥ ४१ ॥

अरोक्ष्यामि युगान्तवारिवघटासंघट्टधीरध्वनि
निर्यास्यन् रथमुच्छूितध्वजधनुःखड्गप्रभाभासुरम् ।

श्रोष्यस्यद्य विकीर्णवृक्णविमुखव्यापन्नशत्रौ रणे
तृप्तांश्छोणितशोणभीषणमुखान् अध्याशिनः क्रोशतः” ॥ ४२ ॥

इति भट्टिकाव्ये रावणविलापो नाम षोडशः सर्गः ॥

( तिङन्तकाण्डे ‘लुड्बिलासः तृतीयः परिच्छेदः )

 41 . "And those hosts of enemies, who falsely feel brave will be tested by me, today. I shall cover the earth today with the severed limbs of the forest-dwellers.

 42. “Marching out, I shall mount a chariot which will produce a deep sound like that of the collision of banks of clouds at the end of the aeon and which will be lustrous with the radiance of the upraised flag, bow and sword. Today you shall hear the yelling of carnivorous beings who (will be) satiated on the battered and slain enemies scattered face downwards on the battlefield and whose faces will be red and ferocious with blood. "

Here ends canto XVI of Bhattikavya named


(Part III of Thanta-kanda, being the exemplification of Int)