
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

प्रशृण्वन्नन्यतः शब्दं प्रपलायन्त चाऽन्यतः।
प्राक्रान्वमन्यतोऽकुवंस्तेनाऽहन्यन्त चाऽन्यत: ॥ १७ ॥

प्रालोठन्त व्यभिद्यन्त परितो रक्तमनघन ।
पर्यश्राम्यन्नतृष्यंश्च क्षतास्तेनाऽस्रियन्त च ॥ १८ ॥

सौमित्रिराकुलस्तस्मिन् ब्रह्मास्त्रं सर्वरक्षसाम् ।
निधनायाऽऽजुहूषत् तं व्यष्टभ्नाव् रघुनन्दनः ॥ १९ ॥

ततो मायामयीं सीतां घ्नन् खड्गेन वियद्गत: ।
प्रदृश्यतेन्द्रजिद्, वाक्यमवदत् तं मरुत्सुतः ॥ २० ॥

"माऽऽपराध्नोदियं किचिदभ्रश्यत् पत्युरन्तिकात् ।
सीता राक्षस ! मा मैनां निगृह्: पाप ! दुःखिताम् ॥ २१ ॥

discharging the arrow ; the enemies struck by him realised (only his valour).

 17. They heard the sound from one place and quickly fled elsewhere; (they) gave out a yell from another place and by him they were killed from elsewhere.

 18. Hit by him, they rolled, got separated (or severely injured), oozed blood all around, got exhausted and thirsty, and died.

 19. Distressed at him, the son of Sumitra (Laksmana) wished to invoke the missile of Brahma for the massacre of all demons; Rama restrained him.

 20. Then Indrajit was seen rising up in the sky and killing a phantom of Sita with a sword; the Son of the Wind addressed him (these) words :

 21. This one, Oh demon, has committed no crime; she stayed away from the vicinity of her husband. Oh sinner, do not kill her who is grieved.’’