
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

प्रवसेयाश्च कार्याणि धर्मेण पुरवासिनाम् ।
अनुरागं क्रिया राजन् ! सदा सर्वगतं जने ॥ २८ ॥

घनिषीष्ट वया मन्युग्रहिषीष्ट समुन्नतिः ।
रक्षोभिर्दशिषीष्ठस्त्वं द्रक्षीरन् भवता च ते ॥ २९ ॥

मन्यु वध्या भटवधकृतं बालवृद्धस्य राजन् !
शास्त्रार्थशः सबसि सुधियः सनिघं ते क्रियासुः ।

सं रंसीष्ठाः सुरमुनिगते वर्मनि प्राज्यधर्मे
संभत्सीष्ठ। सुनयनयनविद्विषामीहितानि ॥ ३० ॥

इति भट्टिकाव्ये विभीषणाभिषेको नाम एकोनवंशः सर्गः ॥

( तिङन्तकाण्डे लिङ्-विलासः षष्ठः परिच्छेदः । )

bow to the gods, drink Soma juice) (and) give up harmful actions.

 28. May you settle the business of the citizens according to rules (Dharma) and, Oh king, may you always bestow all pervading affection on the people.

 29. May grief be destroyed; may all-round progress be seized by you ; may you be seen by the demons and they be seen by your Majesty.

 30. "Oh King, smother the grief of the children and the aged produced by the slaying of a warrior. Let intelligent (men) well-versed in the exigencies of the sciences be by your side in the assembly; may you attain delight in (following the path abounding in righteousness ard traversed by the gods and the sages; (and), by means of the eyes in the form of good policies, may you understand well the motives (intentions) of your enemies."

Here ends canto XIX of Bhattikavya named


( Part VI Tiianta-kanda being the exemplification of lii )