
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

आख यन् मुनिस्तस्य शिवं समाविध्नन्ति रक्षांसि वने ऋतूंश्च।
तानि द्विषद्वीयं निराकरिष्णुस्तृणेतु रामः सह लक्ष्मणेन” ॥ १९ ॥

स शुश्रुवांस्तद्वचनं मुमोह राजाऽसहिष्णुः सुतविप्रयोगम् ।
अहंयुनाऽथ क्षितिपः शुभंयुरूचे वचस्तापसकुञ्जरेण ॥ २० ।।

“मया त्वमार्थाः शरणं भयेषु वयं त्वयाऽऽप्याप्स्महि धर्मवृद्धञ्च ।
क्षात्रं द्विजस्वं च परस्पराऽथै श कृथा मा, प्रहिणु स्वसूनुम् ॥ २१ ॥

घनिष्यते तेन महान् विपक्षः स्थयिष्यते येन रणे पुरस्तात् ।
मा मां महात्मन् परिभूरयोग्ये न मद्विधो न्यस्यति भारमयम्’ २२ ॥

‘ऋध्यन कुलं धक्ष्यति विप्रवह्निर्यास्यन् सुतस्तप्स्यति मां समन्युम् ।
इयं नृपः पूर्वमवालुलोचे, ततोऽनुजज्ञे गमनं सुतस्य ॥ २३ ॥

 19. The sage told him, ‘‘(There is) welfare for my meditation. But the demons destroy the sacrifices in the forest. Along with Laksmana, let Rama, capable of destroying the prowess of the enemykill them.'

 20. Unable to bear separation from his sonsthe King who heard that speech fainted . That protector of the earth (the King) who possessed good fortune was then addressed these words by the eminent sage possessed of egotism.

 21. You have been approached by me as a protector in calamities; we also have been approached by you for the prosperity of Dharma. The Ksatriya race and the Brahmana raceare for each other. Do not enterain any fear. Send (your) son.

 22. By him, who will stand at the vanguard in the battlefield, (even a) great adversary will be killed. Oh high-souled one, do not disregard me. One like me does not lay the supreme burden upon an unworthy (person). "

 23. ‘‘The raging fire in the form of the brahmin's will burn out my race. By going, (my) son will torment only my grief-striken self." Thus did the king reflect first and then permit the departure of his son.