
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

श्राशीभिरभ्यर्थं मुनिः क्षितीन्द्रं प्रीतः प्रतस्थे मुनिराश्रमाय ।
तं पृष्ठतः प्रष्ठमियाय न स्रो हंत्रेषुदीप्ताप्तधनुः कुमारः ॥ २४ ॥

प्रयास्यतः पुण्यवनाय जिष्णो रामस्य रोचिष्णुमुखस्य धृष्णुः ।
त्रैमातुरः कृत्स्न जितास्त्रशस्त्रः सञ्यङ्गतः श्रेयसि लक्ष्मणोऽभूत् ॥ २५ ॥

इषुमति रघुसहे दन्दशूकाञ्जिघांसौ
 धनुररिभिरसह्य मुष्टिपीठं दधाने ।

व्रजति पुरतरुण्यो बद्धचित्राङ्गुलित्रे
 कथमपि गुरुशोका मा रुवन्माङ्गलिक्यः ॥ २६ ।।

अथ जगदुरनीचैराशिषस्तस्य विप्रा-
 स्तुमुलकलनिनावं तूयंमाजघ्नुरन्ये ।

अभिमतफल शंसी चरु प्रस्फोर बाह
 स्तरुषु चुक्रुधुरुच्चैः पक्षिणश्चाऽनुकूलाः ॥ । २७ ॥

इति भट्टिकाव्ये रामसम्भवो नाम प्रथमः सर्गः ॥

 24 . Having honoured the protector of the earth with blessings, the delighted sage again set forth for his hermitage .The humble prince having a trustworthy bow glowing with (sharp) killing arrows, followed him wholed in the front.

 25. Dedicated to (Rama's) well-being, the daring Laksmana, who had three mothers and had acquired all the missiles and weapons, became the fellowtraveller of the victorious Rama who had a beaming face and had set out for the holy forest.

 26. As Rama, who had put on a wonderful finger-guard and was holding tightly in his fist his bow with arrows intent on killing harmful demons and unbearable to the enemies, was leaving, the auspicious young ladies of the city, somehow, avoided weeping though their grief was heavy.

 27. The brahmins loudly proclaimed blessings on him ; others (trumpeteers) played on their instruments loud sweet notes; his (right) arm throbbed foretelling the desired results; and , birds chirped loudly from the trees in an auspicious manner.

Here ends Canto I of Bhattikavya named