
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

तं यायजूकः सह भिक्षुमुख्यैस्तप:कुशाः शान्युबकुभहस्ताः ।
यायावराः पुष्पफलेन चाऽन्ये प्रानखैरस्य जगवर्चनीयम् ॥ २० ॥

विद्यामथैनं विजयां जय च रक्षोगणं क्षिप्तुमविक्षतास्मा ।
अध्यापिप गाधिसुतो यथावनिघातयिष्यन् युधि यातुधानान् ॥ २१ ॥

अयोधने स्थायुकमस्त्रजातममोघमभ्यर्णमहाहवाय ।
ववौ वधाय क्षणदाचरणां तस्मै मुनिः श्रेयसि जागरूकः ॥ २२ ॥

तं विप्रवशं कृतघातयत्ना यान्तं वने रात्रिचरी डुढौके ।
जिघांसुवेषं धृतभासुरास्त्रस्तां ताडकाख्यां निजघान र मः ॥ २३ ॥

अथाऽऽलुलोके तट हुतधूमकेतुशिखाञ्जनस्निग्धसमृद्धशाखम् ।
तपोवनं प्राध्ययनाभिभूतसमुच्चरच्चरुपतत्त्रिशिञ्जम् ॥ २४ ॥

 20. Habitual sacrificers, emaciated by penance and (carrying) jugs of propitiatory water in their hands, vagrant mendicants and others fit to be worshipped, paid homage, with flowers and fruits, to him (Rama) who was worth being worshipped by the the world.

 21. Thereafter, desirous of getting the demons killed, the son of Gadhi (Visvamitra) of unsoiled soul, taught him, in the prescribed manner, the magic spells (vidya-s), Jaya and Vijaya, (which had the potency) to kill hosts of demons.

 22. Watchful about his welfare, the sage gave him various unfailing missiles that could last in fighting, in view of the impending battle, in order to kill the demons

 23. A demoness who, on seeing the brahmins, made efforts to kill (them), reached him (Rama) who was walking across the forest. Having realised that she was intent to kill, Rama who wielded blazing missiles killed that demoness named Tadaka.

 24. Thereafter was seen the penance-grove wherein the luxuriant branches (of trees) were oily with the black soot from