
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अपिङ्गरूक्षोध्वं शिरस्यबलैः च शिरालजङ्गरिकूटदघ्नैः।
तत: क्षपार्ट: पृथुपिङ्गलाक्षीः खं प्रावृषेण्यैरिव चाऽऽनशेऽब्देः ॥ ३० ॥

अधिज्यचापः स्थिरबाहमुष्टिरुदञ्चिताक्षोऽञ्चितदक्षिणोरुः ।
ताँल्लक्ष्मणः सम्मतव (मजब जघान शत्रुषरमन्दकर्वी ॥ ३१ ॥

गाधेयविष्टं विरसं रसन्तं रामोऽपि मायाचणमस्त्रचुञ्चुः।
स्थास्तुं रणे स्मेरमुखो जगाव मारीचमुच्चैर्वचनं महार्थम् ॥ ३२ ॥

‘आत्मम्भरिस्स्यं पिशितैर्नराणां फले प्रहीन् हंसि वनस्पतीनाम् ।
शौवस्तिकत्वं विभवा न येषां व्रजन्ति तेषां वयसे न कस्मात् ॥ ३३ ॥

‘‘अद्भो द्विजान् देवयजीन् निहन्मः कुर्मः पुरं प्रेतनराधिवासम् ।
धर्मो ह्ययं दशरथे ! निजो नो नैवाऽध्यकारिष्महि वेबवृत्तं ” ॥ ३४ ॥

brahmins worthy of sacrificial fees and performed by persons fit to act as sacrificial priests, it was proceeding apace; (however, the fact) was known to the demons as well  30. Then, as if by clouds of the rainy season, the sky was pervaded by demons bearing slightly tawny, dry and erect hair on their heads, having sinewy shanks and wide yellow eyes and equalling the mountain summits (in size)

 31. With his bow strung, his arms and fists steady, his eyes raised upwards, his right thigh slightly contracted and his right shank well bent, Laksmana who had stainless arrows and who pulled (his bow) hard, killed them.

 32. Rama too, who was famous for his missiles, spoke, with a smiling face, loud words of great significance to Marica who was pointed out by the son of Gadhi (Visvamitra), was roaring hideously, and was notorious for his magic.

 33. Feeding yourself on the flesh of men, you kill those that take (i.e, eat, only) the fruits of plants. Why do you not pity them whose possessions do not last (even) for the morrow?

 34. Marica replied), ‘We eat the brahmins, kill those that sacrifice to the gods, and turn the city into an abode of dead