
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

"धर्मोऽस्ति सत्यं तव राक्षसाऽयमन्यो व्यतिस्ते तु ममाऽपि धर्मः।
ब्रह्मद्विषस्ते । प्रणिहस्मि येन राजन्यवृतिर्थतकार्मुकषु "॥ ३५ ॥

इत्थंप्रवावं युधि सम्प्रहारं प्रचक्रतू रामनिशाविहारौ ।
तृणाय मरवा रघुनन्दनोऽथ बाणेन रक्षः प्रधनाग्निरास्थत् ॥ ३६ ॥

जग्मुः प्र सावं द्विजमानसानि द्यौर्वधुका पुष्पचयं बभूव ।
नित्र्यजमिज्या ववृते वचश्च भूयो बभाषे मुनिना कुमारः ॥ ३७ ॥

‘महीप्यमाना भवताऽतिमात्रं सुराध्वरे घस्मरजिस्वरेण ।
विवोऽपि वधायुधभूषणाया हृणीयते वीरवती न भूमिः” ॥ ३८ ॥

"बलिर्बबन्धे जलधिमं मन्थे जलेऽमृतं दैत्यकुलं विजिग्ये ।
कल्पान्तदुःस्था वसुधा तथोहे येनैष भारोऽतिगुरुनं तस्य ॥ ३९ ॥

men. For, Oh Son of Dasaratha, that is our duty. We are not at all authorised (entitled) to (perform) Vedic rituals."

 35. (Rama spoke to him again). Oh demon, truethis may be your duty. But, t, too, have another duty which runs contrary (to it), whereby, following the profession of a warrior and wielding the bow and arrows, have to kill you, the brahmin-hater.

 36. Conversing thus, Rama and the demon started ex changing blows in the fight. Then taking him as a (mere) blade of grass, the descendant of Raghu (Rama) banished the demon from the battle-field with an arrow

 37. The minds of the brahmins regained composure ; the sky became a showerer of heaps of flowers; the sacrifice proceeded without trouble and the prince was again addressed (these) words by the sage:

 38. Being honoured beyond limits by you, Oh vanquisher of cannibals, the earth, (nowpossessed of warriors, does not feel ashamed even before the heaven that has the adamant-weaponed (Indra) for its ornament.

 39. This burden (was) not too heavy for you by whom Bali was tied down (as Vamana), the ocean was churned (as the