
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

विलयय रामेण विना सुमन्तुमच्योष्ट सत्त्वान्नृपतिश्च्युताशः।
मधूनि नैषीद्वघलिपन गन्धैर्मनोरमे न व्यवसिष्ट वस्त्रे ॥ २० ॥

आसिष्ट नैकत्र शुच ध्यरंसीत् कृताकृतेभ्यः क्षितिपालभाग्भ्यः ।
स चन्दनोशीरमृणालदिग्धः शोकग्निनाऽगाद् द्युनिवासभूयम् ॥ २१ ॥

विचुक्रुशुर्भूमिपतेर्महिष्यः, वेशीतलुलुङचुः स्ववपूंषि जघ्नुः ।
वि भूषणान्युन्सुमुचुः, क्षमायां पेतुर्बभञ्जुवलयानि चैव ॥ २२ ॥

ताः सान्वयन्ती भरतप्रतीक्षा तं बन्धुता न्यक्षिपवाशु तले ।
लूतांश्च राजात्मजमानिनीषुः प्रास्थापयन् मन्त्रिमतेन यूनः ॥ २३ ॥

सुप्तो नभस्तः पतितं निरीक्षाञ्चक्रे विवस्वन्तमधः स्फुरन्तम् ।
आख्य वसन् मातृकुले सखिभ्यः पश्यन् प्रमावं भरतोऽपि राज्ञः ॥ २४ ॥

 20. On seeing Sumantra without Rama, the king whose hope was gone, swerved from his (natural) courage. He desired not for wines, did not anoint (himself) with scented unguents and did not put on attractive garments.

 21. He would not sit at one place, and through grief, (he) became indifferent to the royal tasks, whether done or undone; (though) anointed with sandalkhus and lotusstalk (juice), he passed away into the state of the heaven-dwellers.

 22. The Queens of the king wailed aloud, tore off (their) hair, struck (their) bodies, pulled off (their) ornaments, fell on the ground and even broke their bracelets.

 23. Consoling them and waiting for Bharata, the kinsmen hastily placed him (Dasaratha) in oil and, desirous of fetching the son of the Kingdespatched, with the consent of the ministers, young messengers.

 24. Living in his maternal abodeBharata also saw, ( while ) asleep, the sun fallen from the sky and shooting downwards; sensing danger to the King, he told (so) to his friends.