
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
अथ चतुर्थः सर्गंः

निवृत्ते भरते धीमानने रामस्तपोवनम् ।
प्रपेदे पूजितस्तस्मिन् दण्डकारण्यमीयिवान् ॥ १ ॥

अटटघमानोऽरण्यान ससीतः सहलक्ष्मणः ।
बलाद् बुभुक्षुणोत्क्षिप्य जने भीमेन रक्षसा ॥ २ ॥

अवाक् शिरसमुपावं कृतान्तेनाऽपि बुवं मम् ।
भङ्क्त्वा मुजो विराधाख्यं तं तो सुवि निचखनतुः ॥ ३ ॥

अहिषातां रघुध्यानौ शरभङ्गाश्रमं ततः ।
अध्यासितं धिया ब्राह्मञ्च शरण्यं शरणैषिणाम् ॥ ४ ॥

पुरो रामस्य जुहवाञ्चकार ज्वलने वपुः।
शरभङ्गः प्रविश्याऽऽरात् सुतीक्ष्णसुनिकेतनम् ॥ ५ ॥


 1. When Bharata had gone back, the wise Rama repaired to the penance-grove of Atri. (After having been) honoured there, he went to the Dandaka forest.

 2. Wandering extensively through that vast forest, along with Sita and Laksmana, Rama, having been picked up, was carried away by a ferocious hungry demon.

 3. Having broken his arms, the two (Rama and Laksmana) buried in the ground, that (demon), whose name was Viradha, whose head was downwards and feet lifted up, and who was difficult to be subdued even by the God of Death (Yama).

 4. Thereafter, the two best of Raghus proceeded to the hermitage of Sarabhaiga, which was the abode of Vedic (i.e., spiritual) glory and the refuge for those who desired shelter.

 5. Having pointed out the nearby resort of sage Sutikspa, Sarabhaiga, sacrificed his body in fire, in the presence of Rama.