
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

तस्याः सा ।सद्यमानाया लोलूयावान् रघूत्तमः।
असद कौक्षेयमुद्यस्य चकारापनसंमुखम् ॥ ३१ ॥

"अह शूर्पणखा नाम्ना नूनं नाऽज्ञायिषि त्वया ।
वण्डोऽयं क्षेत्रियो येन मय्यपातीति ’ साऽब्रवीत् ॥ ३२ ॥

पयंशाप्सीद् दिविष्ठाऽसौ सर्वश्यं भयवं वपुः ।
प्रपिस्फवच्च बन्धूनां निनद्धवक्रमं मुहुः ॥ ३३ ॥

खरदूषणयोर्भानोः पर्यदेविष्ट सा पुरः ।
विजिग्राहयिषु रामं दण्डकारण्यवासिनम् ॥ ३४ ॥

‘कृते सौभागिनेयस्य भरतस्य विघासितौ ।
पित्रा बौभागिनेयौ यौ पश्यतं चेष्टितं तयोः ॥ ३५ ॥

मम रावणनाथाया भगिन्या युवयो: पुनः।
अयं तापसका ध्वंसः क्षमध्वं यदि वः क्षमम् ॥ ३६ ॥

 31. Having lifted the sword from his side, Laksmana keenly desirous of cutting, rendered the face of (Surpapakha), who was approaching hideously, devoid of the nose.

 32. (She shouted), ‘I have, indeed, not been recognised by you as Sarpanakha by name, since this irremediable physical punishment (injury) has been inflicted upon me.

 33. Having revealed her fearful form, she, standing in the sky, lamented loudlyand (as if) desirous of being destroyed, (she) repeatedly proclaimed the valour of (her) brothers.

 34. Desirous of making them pick up a quarrel with Rama and Laksmana (who were ) dwelling in the forest, she wailed aloud in front of her brothers, Khara and Dusana

 35. You two behold the action of those two sons of unfortunate wives, who were sent into exile by their father for the sake of Bharata, the son of the fortunate wife.

 36. May you tolerate, if it is tolerable to you, this deformity (inflicted) by the contemptible ascetic, upon me having Ravana as her protector and moreover the sister of you two,