
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

प्रथ पञ्चमः सर्गः

निराकरिठण वतिठण वधष्णू परितो रणम् ।
उत्पतिष्णू सहिष्णू च चेरतुः खरदूषणौ ॥ १ :

तौ खड्गमुसलप्रासचक्रबाणगवाकरौ।
अकाष्टमायुधच्छायं रजःसन्तमसे रणे ॥ २ ॥

अथ तीक्ष्णायसैर्बाणैरधिमर्म रघतम।
व्याधं व्याधममूढौ तौ यमसाच्चक्रतुद्व षौ ॥ ३ ॥

हतबन्धुर्जगामाऽसौ ततः शूर्पणखा बनात् ।
पारेसमुद्रं लङ्कायां वसन्तं रावणं पतिम् ॥ ४ ॥

सम्प्राप्य राक्षस सभं चक्रन्द क्रोधविह्वला ।
नामग्रहमरोबीत् सा भ्रातरौ रावणान्तिके ॥ ५ ॥


 1. Desirous of annihilating (the enemy, staying put, growing (in strength), jumping up and bearing (the attack), Khara and Dusana stalked all over the battlefield.

 2. The two, who had swords, clubs, spearheads, discuses, arrows and maces in their hands, spread a thick shadow of weapons on the battlefield that was strewn over by the darkness produced by dust.

 3. Then piercing again and again (their) vitals with arrows having sharpened tips of steel, the two alert and excellent of Raghus made over the two enemies to Yama (the God of Death).

 4. Surpanakha, whose brothers had been slain, then fled from the forest to (her) protector Ravana residing in Lanka across the occan.

 5. Having reached the assembly of the demons, she, who was agitated by wrath, wailed aloud. (Standing) by the side