
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

मृषोऽयं प्रवदन्तीं तां सत्यवद्यो रघूतम:।
निरगाच्छत्रुहस्तं स्वं यास्यसीति शपन् वशी ॥ ६० ॥

गते तस्मिञ्जलशुचिः शुद्धदन् रावण: शिखी ।
जञ्जपूकोऽक्षमालाबाग् धारयो खुबलाबुनः ॥ ६१ ॥

कमण्डलुकपालेन शिरसा च भुजवता ।
संवस्य लाक्षिके वस्त्रे मानां सम्भाण्डच दण्डवान् ॥ ६२ ॥

अधीयनारमविद्विद्यां धारयन् मस्करिव्रतम् ।
वदन बह्वङ्गुलिस्फोटं अक्षप च विलोकयन् ॥ ६३ ॥

सन्दिदर्शयिष साम निजुहनूषुः क्षपाहताम् ।
चङ्क्रमावान् समागत्य सीतामूचे ‘सुखाभव ॥ ६४ ॥

 60. The self-restrained, excellent Raghu (Laksmana) who (always) spoke the truth, departed, cursing her, who uttered a falsehood, "You shall fall into the hands of the enemy"

 61. After he was gone, Ravana who was pure with (a bath in) water, whose teeth were clean, who bore a tuft of hair , who recited prayers constantly, who had a rosary of beads and carried a gourd-like earthen pitcher ;

 62. -(equipped) with the shell of a water-jar, a clean- groomed head and a staff, clad in lac-dyed garments and having procured the necessary material;

 63. - reciting the spiritual lore (Upanisads, keeping the vow of an ascetic speaking mostly with the movements of (his) fingers, and gazing with unkait eyebrows;

 64. -intent on exhibiting peace-lovingness and con- cealing his identity as a demon, having faltering steps, having approached Sita, said, ‘Be agreeable (happy)."