
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

मिथ्यैव श्रीः श्रियम्मन्या, श्रीमम्मयो मृषा हरिः।
साक्षात्कृत्याऽभिमन्येऽहं त्वां हरन्तीं श्रियं श्रियः ॥ ७१ ॥

नोवकण्ठिष्यताऽस्यथं वामंक्षिष्यत चेत स्मरः।
खेलायतनिश नाऽपि सजूःकृत्य रत वसेत् ॥ ७२ ॥

बल्गूयन्त विलोक्य त्वां स्त्री न मन्यतीह का ।
कात नाऽभिसनायेत को वा स्थाणुसमोऽपि ते ॥ ७३ ॥

दुःखायते जनः सर्वः स एवैकः सखायते ।
यस्योत्सुकायमाना त्वं न प्रतीपायसेऽन्तिके ॥ ७४ ॥

कः पण्डितायमानस्त्वामाययाऽऽमिषसन्निभाम ।
त्रस्पन् वैरायमाणेभ्यः शून्यमन्ववसद् वनम् ” ॥ ७५ ॥

the affiluence of fragrance, are not without a male, that is my opinion.

 71 . Certainly false (is) the Goddess of Wealth who boasts of her glory; false (is) Hari who wrongly boasts as being the possesser of Laksmi, thus do I think after having cast (my) eyes upon you who vanquish the glory of Sri.

 72. Had Cupid seen you, he would neither have intensely pined for Rati nor, again, would he have made her his mate and remained sporting with her, day and night.

 73. Having seen you looking (so) attractive, which woman in this world would not get enraged ? Or, again, what man, though like a pillar (or Siva) would not long for your charm ?

 74. All men grieve; only that one takes delight in whose company, you being eager, do not become reluctant.

 75."Which person, who vainly regards himself learned and feels afraid of those who cherish enmity, has resorted to this deserted forest, taking you along, you who are similar to (a bait of) meat ?”