
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

गता स्याबवचिन्वाना कुसुमास्याश्रमनुमान् ।
आ यत्र तापसान् धर्म सुतीक्ष्णः शास्ति तत्र सा ॥ १० ॥

( अतः परं प्रकीर्णकाः )

‘‘आः कष्टं, बत ही चित्तं हू मातर्देवतानि धिक् ।
हा पितः ! क्वाऽसि हे सुध्र !" बह्वं विललाप सः ॥ ११ ॥

“इहाऽऽसिघ्टऽशायिष्टेह सा सखेलमितोऽगमत् ।
अग्लासीत् संस्मरन्नित्यं मैथिल्या भरताग्रजः ॥ १२ ॥

इवं नक्तन्तनं दाम पौष्पमेतद् दिवातनम् ।
शुचयोब्बध्य शाखायां प्रग्लायति तया विना ॥ १३ ॥

ऐक्षिष्महि मुहुः सुप्तां यां मृताशय वयम् ।
अकाले बुभरमहो ! यज्जीवा मस्तया विना ॥ १४ ॥

 10. Ah ! She might have gone plucking the flowers of the trees in the hermitage (or) to (the place) where Sutiksna preaches Duty to the ascetics.

( Hereafter Miscellaneous Forms )

 11 . Alas! What a calamity! It is a pity! Alas, how strange ! Hum ! (what) a rage ! Ah, Mother | Fie upon the deities! Ah, Father ! Oh (Sita) who has beautiful eye-brows, where are you ? ’’ Thus he lamented excessively.

 12. Here did she sit, slept here, went gracefully from here !! (Thus) remembering Sita constantly with regret, Rama waned.

 13. This garland of noctural flowers (and) this one of day flowers, have hung themselves (to death) on the branch, and as if through grief wither away without her.

 14. Oh ! it is indeed difficult to die out of time, since we are alive without her, whom we looked up again and again, (while she was) asleep, with the apprehension that (she was) dead.