
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

72 DIRECTION, PLACE AND TIME A rule for determining the Sun's declination with the help of the Sun's meridian zenith distance and the latitude of the local place, when the midday shadow of the gnomon falls to the south of the gnomon : 14. When the (midday) shadow (of the gnomon) falls to the south (of the gnomon), then the sum of the latitude and the Sun's true meridian zenith distance gives the declination of the Sun lying in the northern hemisphere.¹ A rule for finding the Sun's declination with the help of the latitude and the Sun's meridian zenith distance, when the Sun's meridian zenith distance is greater than the latitude and the shadow of the gnomon falls towards the north of the gnomon: 15. When the Sun's meridian zenith distance is greater than the latitude, then the latitude is always subtracted from that (i. e., from the Sun's meridian zenith distance): the remain- der (obtained) after subtraction denotes the Sun's true decli- nation. The Sun is also, in that case, undoubtedly in the southern hemisphere.² The rules in the above three stanzas may be summarised as follows: (1) When the midday shadow of the gnomon falls towards the north of the gnomon, then Sun's declination latitude Sun's meridian zenith distance, the Sun's declination being north or south according as the latitude is greater or less than the Sun's meridian zenith distance. (2) When the midday shadow of the gnomon falls towards the south of the gnomon, then Sun's declination latitude + Sun's meridian zenith distance, the Sun's declination in this case being always north. 1 This rule is found also in LBh, iii. 30.

  • This rule is found also in LBh, iii. 31.