
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

VIII INTRODUCTION In some cases, however, alternative readings are possible and it may be that I have not given in the edited text the readings which might have occurred in the original. I have given in the foot-notes all alternative readings found in the various manuscripts consulted by me so that the interested reader may for himself decide whether the readings given in the edited text are appropriate or not. English Translation. The question of translating tech- nical material written in Sanskrit into English presents consi- derable difficulty. It requires a thorough knowledge of both languages which few can claim. My effort has been directed towards giving as far as possible a literal version in English of the text. The portions of the English translation enclosed within brackets do not occur in the text and have been given in the translation to make it understandable, and at places are explanatory. Without these portions the translation at places would appear meaningless to a reader who cannot consult the original for lack of knowledge of Sanskrit. I have tried my best to keep the spirit of the original and have as far as pos- sible not altered the sequence in the translation. Sanskrit tech- nical terms having no equivalents in English have been given as such in the translation. They are explained in the subjoined notes and the reader can always refer to the Glossary given in the end to find the meaning of such terms whenever the sub- joined note does not contain the explanation of the terms. Verses dealing with the same topic have been translated together and are preceded by an introductory heading briefly summarising their contents. In doing so I have followed the practice of the commentators. The translation is followed by short notes and comments comprising (i) elucidation of the text where necessary, (ii) rationale of the rule given in the text, (iii) critical notes, and (iv) other relevant matter, depending on the nature of the passage translated.