
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

CONTENTS Chapter III. DIRECTION, PLACE AND TIME. JUNCTION- STARS OF THE ZODIACAL ASTERISMS AND CON- JUNCTION OF PLANETS WITH THEM Setting up of the gnomon 56-Finding the directions from the shadow of the gnomon 57, 59-Hypotenuse of the shadow 60-Finding the latitude of the place and the Sun's altitude 61--Sun's declination, day-radius, earthsine, and ascensional difference 62-Ascensional differences of the signs 65-Times of rising of the signs at the equator 68- Times of rising of the signs at the local place 69-Sun's meri- dian altitude, declination, and longitude 70-73,76-Latitude from the Sun's meridian zenith distance and declination 74- Sun's altitude for the given time 74, 77-78--Sun's altitude in the night 79-Time corresponding to the Sun's altitude 80-Longi- tude of the rising point of the ecliptic 81-Longitude of the setting point of the ecliptic 82-To find the time from the longitudes of the Sun and the rising point of the ecliptic 82- Sun's altitude, hour angle, and longitude when the Sun is on the prime vertical 84-88-Locus of the shadow-end 89-92-Sun's agra and sankvagra and derivation of the equinoctial midday shadow therefrom 92-93-Finding the Sun's agrā and sankv- agra by the observation of the Sun and deriving the equinoc- tial midday shadow and the local latitude therefrom 94- Finding the longitude of a planet or star with the help of that of another planet or star 95-Longitudes of the junc- tion-stars of the nakṣatras 98-Celestial latitudes of the junction-stars 102-Conjunction in longitude of a planet and a star, and distance between them 102-Occultation of certain stars by the Moon 104. Chapter IV. TRUE LONGITUDE OF A PLANET Sun's mean anomaly and its Rsine 106-Rsine of an arc 107-Sun's equation of the centre 110, 111-Sun's correction for the equation of time due to the eccentricity of the ecliptic 114-Bahu and koți due to anomaly 115- True distance of the Sun or Moon 115-True daily motion of the Sun or Moon 119-122-True distance of the Sun or Moon by the eccentric theory 122-Sun's true longitude by the eccentric theory 125-Sun's correction for the equation of time due to the eccentricity of the ecliptic Page 56 106