conteNTs. 5 In the Sloka 9, the revolutions of the Great Bear, as given by Parasara, agree with what has been shown by the author, but the number of revolutions of the Ayanagraha has been differently given as 58709 by Parasara, which ought to be 181709 according to many Astronomers. Roughly calculating, the latter gives the annual motion of the Ayana as 54". Sloka to gives the methods of finding out the mean positions of planets. Sloka II Gives how the Ahargana has been divided into two parts to simplify the calculation. Slokas I2-I6 give the interesting method of finding out the mean positions of planets by aid of the Ahargana or the number of solar years in a Kalpa. Sloka 17 gives the Ahargana of the beginning of the Kalpa, because of its importance. Chapter ill. Slokas 1-3 show how to find out the values of O O A. O 鲁 O a C 紫, sin ၀င္ႏိုင္း Sln 99圣3, S. 90 x 4 وهه ه و sin 90 X 24 when the radius is 3438. This method corresponds with that of Bhaskaracharya, 'त्रिज्याभुजज्याहतिहीनयुके त्रिज्याकृती' ( Antyajyotpatti) O ۔۔۔ ۔ Slokas 4-7 give the values of Sin 警, sin ၀၀:း and Sin oox 3° - 90 x 4” (, 90 x 24° SL 9 X. 3 Sl 90x4,..., S. 9 24 24 24 * 90° . 9ox2 Qox 3 译 Ο versin 99,versin? , versun 90 x 3 , versın 9ox4 or ey 24 24 2 24 9ox 24' versın — , - . Sloka 8 gives the square of the radius ( 34 38) and sine of the obliquity as (24).
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति