
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P. 7, 1 . 14–लब्धक्षण: , who have obtained recess. In क्षण the Marâțhî
reader will doubtless recognise his own word सण, a festival.
For one of the secondary senses of क्षण is < leisure, ‘ vacation .'
See note infra on p. 31, 1. 1.
P. 8, 1. 2–किं प्रपद्यते वैदर्भः, “What is the king of the Vidarbha about ?"
d, e ‘what does he mean१ प्रतिपद्यते, as read by G and also by
Tullberg, would mean f what does the Vidarbha say in reply ?
P. 8, 1, 4–MS. G reads लिखितम् in place of निदेशम्
P. 8, 1, 5-पूज्येनः A term of respect applied to the person addressed,
who is king Agnimitra in the present passage,
P. 8, 1. 6.-प्रतिश्रुतसंबन्धः , ‘ who had promised to become my relation'
P. 8, 1. 8.—मदपेक्षया, ‘ having regard to me , i. e. ‘if you do not
wish to incur my displeasure.'-सकलत्रसोदर्यः together with his
wife and sister.
P. 8, 1. 14.-मौर्यसचिवं मम श्यालम्. 'The name of this brother-in-law
of the king of the Vidarbhas is not known. As however, he
was the minister of the Maurya king of Pâțaliputra, it seems
probable that he was imprisoned by Agnimitra to prevent him
from exciting the people to rebel against his (Agnimitra's) father,
Pushpamitra, who had murdered the last of the Mauryas, Brihadratha , and usurped his throne in his son's favour. The
imprisonment of Mâdhavasena, the intended brother-in-law of
Agnimitra, by his cousin the king of the Vidarbhas, was only a
retaliation for his brother-in-laws imprisonment by Agnimitra.
P. 9, 1. 1.-अनात्मज्ञः, 'foolish', ’silly” Cf. Śakuntala Act VI, ‘ प्रविश्य
सक्रोधम् । मा तावदनात्मने !देवेन प्रतिषिद्धेपि मधूत्सवे चूतकलिकाभङ्गमारभसेः
P. 9, 3. यातव्यपक्षे &c. The following is the natural order of the
sentence: तत् यातव्यपक्षे स्थितस्य (वैदर्भस्य ) उन्मूलनाय पूर्वसंकल्पितं
वोरसेनप्रमखं दण्डचक्रमाज्ञापय यातव्यपक्षे स्थितः means "standing under
the category of those that make themselves liable to be attacked,'
by provocation &c.