after that letter which has the anusvâra in pronunciation. But though this method is followed in respect of Sanskrit words, the dot in the Prâkŗit passages of the MS in question always means a strengthening of the following letter by means of doubling it; and the anusvâra is there represented as in the Devanâgari character by a dot put over the syllable which is to be nasalized by it. It is therefore clear from the general practice of the MSS. that the dot put before a letter in Prâkŗit conjuncts indicates that that letter is to be doubled. But we have the same sign put before an aspirate that we have before an unaspirate letter. I have also examined many MSS. of other Sanskrit-Prâkŗit works, and I have always found the dot to be invariably used as a sign of doubling, and nowhere any the least indication that 'the doubling of an aspirate is to be effected by adding before it its own non-aspirate,” as taught by Vararuchi in the Sûtra वर्गेषु युजः पूर्वः, III. 51. One and the same sign being used by the MSS. to indicate doubling, whether of aspirate or non-aspirate letters, I have simply doubled the letter before which the MSS. put a dot, that is to say, I have not followed Vararuchi's rule about the doubling of aspirates by means of non-aspirates.
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्