
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P. 15, 1. 12.-शिष्टा क्रिया कस्यचिदात्मसंस्था. ‘Of some the acting is
excellent in their own persons,' i.e., some excel as actors
when they act personally, but they cannot teach others how
to act well.
P. 16, 1. I-पिण्डिदथ्यो,i.e गर्भितार्थः ’her real sense”
P. 16, 1. 5.-अमेहाविणो- ‘ मन्दमेधाविण,’ G’s reading, deserves attention.
P. 16, 1 8.—भद्रव्यपरिग्रहः One of our MSS., E; has on ' its margin
सूक्ष्मबुद्धिः शिष्यो द्रव्यम् । तद्बिन्नो जडबुद्धिरद्रव्यम् .
P. 16, 1. 9.-This speech is made quite intelligible by our reading it
as follows with G :-जनान्तिकम् । गणदासं विलोक्य । कहं दाणिं ।
अलं अज्जउत्तस्सः उछ्छाहकालणं मणोरहं पूरिंअ । प्रकाशम् । विरम णिरथ्थआधो
आरम्भादो. This is doubtless the true reading. The
existence as well as the position of the direction प्रकाशम् is of
vital importance to the proper understanding of the passage,
and its connection with what follows. The absence of प्रकाशम्
would make it impossible to explain how Vidûshaka comes to
hear what the queen whispers to Gaņadâsa. Nor are the
words " कहं दाणिं । अलं अज्जउन्तस्रस उछ्छाहकालणं मणोरहं पूरिअ,” embodying a suspicion of Dhâriņî as to the King's motives, intended
to be heard by the latter. It is also evident that कहं दारिणि
forms part of the whisper, and ought to follow the stage- .
direction जनान्तिकम् । गणदासं विलोक्य ।
P. 17, 1. 2.-सरस्सइउवाअणमोदआइं. The ’modak”, a dishful of which
is offered as a present to the goddess Sarasvatî, and which
is in reality given to the teacher, the minister of the goddess,
is a round ball of a slightly conical shape at the top,made of rice
or wheat flour stuffed with sugar, thin slices of the kernel of
the coconut, together with spices, and then either boiled over
steam, or fried in clarified butter. Such presents are not only